Impact of Cervical Cancer in India

Over 200 women are lost to cervical cancer in India every day. Every hour, we lose 8 women to this disease in India alone. And every 8 minutes, 1 woman dies of cervical cancer. Clearly, this is a grave issue that needs to be addressed on a large scale.

India has one of the highest numbers of cervical cancer cases in the world. This can be confirmed by a recent study conducted by Lancet, which said that India accounts for the highest number of cervical cancer cases in Asia. Why stop here – India accounts for nearly one-fourth of cervical cancer cases globally, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). Since this disease is preventable, the only plausible reason for this is a lack of awareness of prevention and early detection methods.

The impact of cervical cancer in India is clearly significant, with it being a leading cause of death among women in India. Due to a lack of awareness, many women detect the disease after it has already spread to other organs and at this stage, there is no cure. Moreover, the treatment is expensive, and many women and families in India can not afford it.

Cervical cancer can also have a social impact, as many women are forced to stop working. This leads to reduced economic opportunities for women.

Cervical cancer is a major health problem in India, and we must all make an effort to prevent this disease. To do this, we must all raise awareness about the disease and promote early detection and prevention methods.