Cervical Cancer is 100% preventable

The second in this series of blogs talks about the reason this particular cancer is one of its kind. The prolonged, in fact the longest precancerous stage among all kinds of cancer and it being the only 100% preventable cancer, makes it the most different and important. The long pre-cancer stage is only due to the fact that this cancer starts off a mere viral infection in the cervix, which if left untreated goes on to develop into full blown cancer.

Before turning into cancer, the cells of the cervix undergo changes. This is known as dysplasia. These changes lead to abnormalities in the cells which make them more likely to develop into cancer.

The condition of the occurrence of these abnormal cells is called precancerous condition of the cervix. These conditions have not yet changed into complete invasive cancer. Their detection is only an indication of the likelihood of development of cancer at later stages.

Pre-cancers usually can be identified by the detection of lesions on the cervix but does not show any signs or symptoms. Most of the time, an abnormal Pap Test is the first sign that there are abnormalities in the cells of the cervix.


Where does pre-cancer occur ?

These precancerous conditions of the cervix start in the transformation zone. The transformation zone is that part of the cervix where columnar cells are constantly being changed into squamous cells.

The transformation of cells is a normal process and is not the reason for occurrence of cancer. However, the constant changes to the cells make them more susceptible to the causes of this particular cancer.

All pre-cancers do not develop into cancers 

The origin of every cancer is a precancerous condition but not all pre-cancers turn into full invasive cancers. For most women, the pre-cancerous cells might go away without any treatment.

A precancerous condition can take anywhere from between a year to even 10 or 20 years to be converted into invasive cancer, making it the longest precancerous period as compared to all other kinds of cancer. The extended length of this period makes cervical cancer the only 100% preventable cancer if treated at the right time. Treating all cervical pre-cancers can prevent almost all true cervical cancers.

We cannot reiterate it enough that cervical cancer is the only preventable cancer, provided it is detected and treated timely. Why delay it any further! Why take the risk of being just another statistic! Take the reign of your health into your own hands

Visit your gynecologist now and help CAPED create a Cervical Cancer Mukt Bharat.

Author : Taru Medha (CAPED Intern)





